Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Brunch Recipes: Spinach

I got into an argument today at work with someone who said they don't like spinach. What?! Kale, ok. But spinach is so good for you, and there is so much you can do to it to make it tasty! So now I'm on a quest to make said person enjoy spinach. Let's start with some brunch recipes....

1. Spinach, Mushroom and Sourdough Strata

2. DIY Flower Sandwich: Egg and Spinach

3. Mini Breakfast Souffles


  1. Spinach is the best! I don't get the kale trend, but spinach is great, especially for breakfast!

  2. How can one not love spinach??

  3. this is perfect for me because I always buy too much spinach. You know when you go grocery shopping and are feeling so healthy you buy 3 bags of a spinach and end up using just about 1 :)

  4. Spinach is delicious, especially in quiche =]
